Movers and Packers Melbourne

  • Packing up your home or office?

    Packing can be the most stressful part of moving. Let our packing experts do the hard work for you.

  • Our packers are efficient and careful

    Oh yes our men and women have a healthy dose of common sense and pack your belongings up as if they were theirs. Every box will be carefully packed and labelled.

  • We can disassemble furniture for you

    As part of our service we are happy to disassemble furniture for you prior to your move.

  • It's faster than you think

    A minimum team of two packers will come to your home or office and get straight into it. It doesn’t take as long as you think – a 2 bedroom apartment takes approximately 3-4 hours to pack.

  • We can even unpack for you

    We help you pack but we can also help you unpack at the other end too and remove all packing materials supplied by us at the same time.

Ready to get moving or packing?

Get in touch now for a quote and to make a booking